Monday, July 28, 2008

The Faith Debockle

At our young marrieds bible study group this last Sunday we were discussing 1 John and ideas such as, how do we know the voice we hear is God, and ways we can ensure that we are hearing the voice of god clearly. Topics like these are really hard for me because no matter where the discussion takes us we always land on "Well, you just need to have faith."

Faith... Now there's a fun topic for all partied involved. What does it mean to be a person of faith? Can we ever achieve a level of faith to where we no longer doubt? Those are the questions that invade my mind when I hear the word faith(Well those questions, as well as that awesome song by George Michael... But in any case).

I guess I really struggle with this idea of faith. I have asked people before what they view as faith and of course I get the, "believing in something you can't see." answer almost every time. I'm ready for a new answer to this question. That very answer makes me even more confused about the topic of faith. I feel that in many ways we have lost what faith is. We regurgitate a definition that's been on hundreds of advertisements, in millions of youth group teachings, and sermons. But what is faith and how many of these church voices actually have this faith that they preach about?

I know for me that I lack in the faith department. Maybe it's because of the environment that I was raised in. Maybe society and the culture in this country has handicapped my ability to be a "Faith Filled Man". Who knows what the reason is. All i know is that this idea of faith is, and has been on my mind for quite some time now..

Friday, July 25, 2008

Elegant Violence....Rubgy

I have no SKIN!!!!!

Well I have almost made it through my first week of rugby practice. It's been grand thus far. I'm starting to really pick things up and am able to really run with the lads ( Well Better than I was a week ago anyway). I didn't fully realize how tough this sport was until now but I love every minute of it. Ya see when I was in high school I though football practice sucked. But I'm here to tell ya that high school football practice is patty cake compared to rugby.

So Yesterday I got a brand new pair of rugby boots. In all honesty they are the most obnoxious looking boots in the world, but I love em. There's only one issue with them, during practice last night the boots managed to rip away any flesh that I had on my heels. Now I have had blisters on my feet before but this issue takes the cake. They hurt so bad last night that by the end of practice I couldn't even walk. I woke up this morning and took Kate to work and she was walking behind me and informed me that I was oozing out of my bandages......

I guess the only thing that stick out in my mind about his was a comment made by Alleko, one of my coaches. He informed me that, "Pain is only temporary. But glory lasts forever!" And right there I felt like I was in some Trojan war movie and Brad Pitt was giving an inspirational speech!!

All in all, I love the sport. My heels on the other hand....

Well, cheers for now!

Michael VS. Grandpa Jo

The other day I was in the Safeway parking lot. I was driving through ti find a spot just like I would any other day. This day was different however. I stop at the stop sign, let a pedestrian go by and then began to turn right when all of the sudden a giant ass white Cadillac decides he wanted to park in the handicap lane right next to where I was. Now I turn right and this awesome old man decided he needed to park his car before I was able to pass and he didn't have a signal on. So he stares me down as I essentially cut him off and I looked him in the eye and mouthed these words, "TUUUUUURN SIIIIGNAL YOU CRAZY OLD MAAAN!!!". After I expressed my disgust with Grandpa Jo, I found a spot. I parked my car and looked in my mirror and I saw the man standing in the middle of the lot with cane in hand looking for me. At this point I had come to a fork in the road. Do I get out of the car and unleash hell and fury on Grandpa Jo? Or do I wait in the car untill the Club swinging tyrant goes into the store? Well I thought it would be in the best interest of all parties involved if I waited int he car untill he left. I went in and found my groceries, enjoyed numerous samples of fresh Safeway classics and went on about my day! Here's to you Grandpa JO, CHEERS!!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm a Rugger???

Yesterday I had my first rugby practice. It was awesome. I'm new to the sport and the lads were very accommodating in helping me figure things out. We will be practicing 3 days a week for the next 2 weeks. I will most likely puke at one point or another due to the level of fitness training. Well It looks like I am a Queen City Ram now! I'm sore.......